It's a well known fact that Leprechauns are eloquent creatures that enjoy good conversation. It can get a bit lonely on the farm, apart from the times I have Mary and Tom over for dinner. It’s especially lonely in the evenings. So I often go out at the southern end of the biggest enclosed field where I keep my sheep. On the other side of the wall, that’s where I saw one little fellow the first time. I sit there and shout out loud, hoping that someday a Leprechaun will reply. Yesterday, I heard some voices in the woods. I yelled, both in Irish and English, but no one answered. There were tiny voices, not whispering, but more like giggling. But it was definitely a conversation of some kind.
Most of the words were in Irish. I understand some Gaeilge, thanks to my friend Séan who taught me several words, but I'm not that good.
"An bhfuil" - which is like "Is he"
"Carpenter". I'm sure I heard the word carpenter.
"Tá". Yes in Gaeilge. This I heard several times.
"You keep the water in the leaf." This may not be what was said, but that’s what it sounded like to me.
"Tuirseach". This I know is "tired" (Séan said that often).